2008 Penguin released its epay version for customer 3D secure payment, several of penguins modules were seen as innovations later in the industry. GDS daily reconciliation, BSP reconciliation from BSP link without using HOTFILE was some of the innovations displayed by penguin.
At travel technology show 2013 customers enquired about the latest and more powerful automation modules from penguin.
Penguin not only automated ATOL certificate issuance but also selected the correct ATOL type based on the type of transactions. The fully integrated logic based on CAA removed several administrative task related to ATOL filing.
Corporate travel agencies also took advantage of penguin AutoPDQ modules and validation for Airplus and Barclays handoff files.
The fully integrated software will automate any repetitive process and work with tight financial controls. Auto booking creation, auto ticketing, auto invoicing, Auto receipting, Auto emailing are some of the process automated in penguin.
Commenting, Sebastian joseph the director technical said.
By taking penguin, you are not buying software but a team of experts working for you. Penguin make the word “ software as a Service” ( SOS) in Literal meaning. Service is what makes us grow in this industry. .